Monday, August 4, 2008

Patten Shenanigans

A smattering of Patten sightings:

* Patten's canine teeth appeared the other week. Cool, huh.

* Patten has learned the art of shrieking (yelling, screaming, grunting, etc.) Most comically, in my mind, is what must be going on in his brain when people react to his noises. Patten thinks, "I think I will yell now." [Yells]. Some bystander, directly following the yell, says "Dave and Kristin - what is wrong with Patten - why is he so cranky?" Or "Patten - be quiet." To which Patten thinks "hmmm, my noise made them make noises (although I don't have a clue what "be quiet" means) - I think I'll make another noise and see if they make more noises." The cycle continues. He's outsmarted us all.

* Patten lost his first major amount of blood the other day. While walking around a picnic table he slipped and hit his head on the seat. Kristin picked him up. He screamed - a lot. Next thing I know I hear "Dave..." And what to my wondering eyes should appear (name that song) but a whole lot of blood all over Kristin's shoulder and Patten's face. We cleaned him up (are wipes toxic? - if so we probably did more damage than good because he sucked on a few of the wipes we had used to clean his face) and realized he had cut his bottom lip on his teeth. He's fine. It was dramatic. Thanks to Adam and Melaine for calmly guiding us through our first child injury.


Missy Johnson said...

I just thought Patten's noises were exciting because they show us he is a normal baby. :)
I am sad he lost blood. I hate losing blood. Let's play lots of scrabble at the reunion okay?
Okay bye.

Anonymous said...


I am glad Patten is not always the Angel Baby. But, he's still pretty angelic!



Becca said...

"The night before Christmas." :)

I haven't heard that song in years. So glad you survived your first bloodiness! Haha.

love you guys