Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Joy of Classmates

Last Thursday, while sitting in my Torts class, I received the following email:

"I have two tickets to the Utah game this Saturday. First person to respond to this email with the name of the person who kicked the winning field goal in the 1993 Utah - BYU game gets the tickets."

Thankfully as an 11 year old brat Laird Swensen's family kindly took me to BYU games. They had season tickets, Laird and I were friends, and I loved football, so they took me. And, even more thankfully, they took me to the 1993 BYU - Utah game and I saw Chris Yergensen kick the winning field goal.

I responded to the email and won the tickets.

Little did I know the 2L named Chris Hill happened to be the Utes Athletic Director's son, Chris Hill.

And, I couldn't have dreampt this up, Chris Hill gave me two tickets on the 50 YARD LINE on the 20TH ROW!!!!

AND ----- The UTES OBLITERATED the 11th ranked UCLA BRUINS!!

Wow. It was a sight to behold.

Thank heavens for kind classmates.

Go Utes.


ebv said...

klt9976 said...

Dave and Kristin. I am wondering if you guys have a living, breathing baby in your house yet??? If you do will you please put up some pictures!?!?!? Thanks!