Thursday, September 13, 2007

3 Weeks and Counting

Well, well, well.

Less than 3 weeks until the babe joins us.

For any of you expecting your first, let me clue you in on something. The impending baby may not seem too real for the first 7 or 8 months - but when you visit the doctor at the hospital and hear things like "this is where you will deliver" and "here is where you wash the baby after he is born" and "3 weeks from today you will likely hold your baby here" the forthcoming baby will seem real.

We are so excited. I probably won't write again until I have a picture to post - that will be a happy post.


Brynn and Jesse said...

Congratulations Dave! That is very exciting. Good luck with the birth! I can't wait to see pictures!!!

Bart and Michelle said...

Hey Dave! The countdown is on for you guys--how exciting! Having a baby is the neatest thing you guys will experience. I'm thrilled for you guys! Take lots of pictures and be sure to update when he makes is arrival! Hope all goes well!