Wednesday, July 25, 2007


I took the United States Patent and Trademark Examination (for the second time) on Monday.

The test is pass / fail, with a score of 70% needed to pass. The first time I took the exam, June 14th, I scored 68%. As you can imagine that made me a little upset.

But I'm happy to report that I passed this last Monday. I studied roughly 180 hours (in total) for the exam. I am so glad I do not have to study for the test ever again. I've seen enough of the MPEP (Manual of Patent Examination and Procedures).

As for the law school update, I'm planning on the U but waitlisted at GW. GW cut their waitlist to 80 people (down from 1400) last week and I'm on the list of 80. Time is running short, I told GW they need to accept me by the 7th of August if I'm going to come (I need time to drive across the country and be there by the 14th). Let's hope they get on the ball and call me sooner than later.


Barb said...

Congrats! Great news on the exam and the GW news; hopefully it works out the way you want it!

ebv said...

Congrats on the Patent Bar!! Now you can make ridiculous amounts of money in your summer jobs between semesters at law school. I am, needless to say, envious of your position.

Good luck with GW!