Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Our Bean

Early in the pregnancy Kristin and I decided our baby (pictured to the left) should have a name. At the time we didn't know he would turn out to be a he, so we needed a gender neutral name to use for the pregnancy. I don't remember how, but somehow we came up with "pinto."

The evolution of pinto (no -- not that kind of evolution -- I'm referring to his name) amazes me.

The ladies at Kristin's work come to Kristin every morning, say "good morning Kristin," and then kneel down and while speaking into her tummy say "hi baby pinto -- how are you today."

Both of our families refer to the baby as pinto.

I find myself calling him "the bean."

Sometimes I wonder if our current actions will harm my son for the rest of his life... I doubt it.

Long live the bean.


Barb said...

Pinto and bean are both really cute and interesting nicknames. They may follow him into the teenage years!

ebv said...

Ummm...if he serves a mission to Brazil, he will be severely harmed. I will call you with the details. Let's just say that had I been drinking something when I read this post, it would have come shooting out my nose.

ebv said...


Anonymous said...

Hey dave! Congrats on the Pinto! I found ya through Eric's blog, and I am gonna have to get mad at my Salt Lake contacts cuz I had no idea you were gonna be a daddy. That rocks, and I hope you, the wife-unit, and babe are all doing well.

-your old next door neighbor, mel

ty said...

As an anonymous participant in the late night/early morning basketball games listed as #4 in the post below, I would just like to point out that Dave holds the MP3 record for most rebounds stolen from under the nose of a really big guy.

I would also like to say that I'm better at ball, but that would be a lie.

Long live Pinto's future as a baller!

Brynn and Jesse said...

Hey Dave! It's your favorite Madrigals partner in the whole world! I was so excited to find your blog from Barb's. Congrats on the "pinto bean!" It was fun to read your blog and see what you have been up to!!!!