Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Bob -- thank you for the "tag." It is received warmly.

1. I hit a good friend on the head with a baseball bat. That good friend was Bob (Eric Vogeler).

2. A few years back I promised my grandmother I would never ride a motorcycle, or as she refers to it, the "suicide machine." This was probably a bad choice on my part because for whatever reason I can't get myself to break the promise even though my in-laws have multiple motorcycles and I'm pretty sure I could learn to ride them safely. Oh well.

3. I've spent more days / nights in the hospital than any one man should -- the list includes: deviated sceptum surgery, reconstructive shoulder surgery (both shoulders), tubes in ears and a repair of an already "set" broken arm. Let me explain the last one. Sometime during elementary school, all of the laughing gas has made me lose my memory, I broke my arm. During class my arm often itched -- so what did I do? Scratch it of course. But this wasn't just any old scratching, I had to shove a pencil between the cast and my arm and "itch" the itching area. Needless to say that lovely pencil did wonders for the setting bones and eventually I ended up in the hospital in surgery so the doctor could "rebrake" my arm to fix the damage my pencil had done.

4. I absolutely love basketball, hence the shoulders. Throughout junior high and highschool my friends and I met at my church circa 6 am every Saturday morning to play ball, in addition to Tuesday and Wednesday night basketball get togethers. I can't wait to have a son (October) who I can coach, cheer on, etc. I will live my basketball life through him because I am no longer physically capable of living it on my own.

5. I possess a strange ability to remember hymn trivia. Everything from page numbers to verse lyrics to origination details. Of the 341 hymns I can probably name half (okay maybe only a quarter) by page number and title, and the rest I can guess within 20 pages or so.

6. I am afraid of heights. Sometimes they really scare me (walking across the Golden Gate Bridge) and sometimes I can handle them (Angel's Landing in Zion), but all of the time I know they are there.

7. I will take the patent bar on June 14th. What is the patent bar you may say? It is a test which, if passed, allows an individual to practice before the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

8. My wife can out waterski me any day of the week. Not to mention she knows how to "airchair," let's just say my airchair attempt left something to be desired.

9. I played a duet of "I Need Thee Every Hour" with Stu Maxfield for the Prophet when he visited our mission in Philadelphia.

10. James Taylor is and will always be my favorite musical artist. Not sure why but his songs seem to brighten my day.


Barb said...

This post otherwise known as The Top Ten Things I Didn't Know I Needed to Know About David Patton Johnson! I really enjoyed it! Congratulations on the baby news- a boy will be so fun! (Now just get Eric married off and have him procreate a girl and you guys can take your friendship to the in-law level in 25 years).

ebv said...

Just let me say that Dave hit me REALLY hard in the head. It split my scalp. All I remember is lots of blood, some screaming, and a panicked babysitter trying to stop the bleeding with a band-aid in my hair. The next day, I hit a triple in our little league baseball game.

Barb--if you know her already, I'm game. Seriously.

Missy Johnson said...

I would love to see Kris on the airchair. I can't even get up on one of those things.