Saturday, January 30, 2010

Friday Night Play-doh

On Friday night, Kristin and I had Patten's friends Henry and Aggie over while their parents, Scott and Mieka, went on a date. We had a great time. Henry brought his super-cool helicopter to play with. Patten loved the 'copter.

In addition to the 'copter, we spent the evening playing with Play-doh. All of the kids were naturals - they made Play-doh fingers, balls, crocodiles, cows, and stars.

Kristin was the Play-doh queen. She helped the kids for an hour and a half, and made sure they got good and dirty.

Finally, a shout out to Patten's aunt Becca. She loves the U. Especially more than the Y. :)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What makes pancakes green?

This is what we had for dinner tonight - let's hear your guesses as to how the "cakes" became so green.

By the way, it was Kristin's idea, and it was delicious.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


From my sister-in-law's blog (written by my brother):

"Becca wrote beautifully yesterday about the terrible devastation in Haiti. As news reports have come to the states and been sent around the world, we've been inundated with photos like the one Becca showed yesterday as well as terrible stories of buildings lying in rubble, people trapped under the debris, and desperate relatives trying with their bare hands to move boulders and buildings to try to free those who voices they hear from under the destruction.Estimates are that tens of thousands may have died and, for those still alive, houses have disappeared and many of the hospitals are also in ruins. Luckily, there is a hospital on the outskirts of town, called "Hospital Albert Schweitzer" that is up and fully and functioning. And here's the best part: the Stanford medicine department (which is affiliated with this hospital and had lent support to it through the years) has agreed to match all donations to the hospital, up to $25,000.

"So, if you have been thinking You know, I would really love to help out somehow, or if you were touched by that photo yesterday, or if you've been touched by a story you've heard, or if you find an extra five dollars under the couch, or if you just decide you can squeeze an extra few bucks from the budget this month, please do the following:1) Go to this site (you can donate by MasterCard, American Express, Visa and Discover).2) After submitting credit card information, please click on “tribute gift.”3) Then, enter "Stanford Department of Medicine" (where it asks for matching organization) so the gift will be matched appropriately.Then, rest a little better tonight knowing that you have helped the people in Haiti just that little bit and that the money you gave was doubled. If you have a second, maybe even enter a little note here (it can be anonymous, of course) to let us know you gave.God bless.

"Back to Becca: You can also donate through LDS Humanitarian Efforts by going to this site, though I don't know of a matching pledge."

Kristin and I echo their thoughts.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Running to Victory

Bourne Ultimatum, the Natural, Sirus Marner (sp??)....

Don't call it a comeback - we've been here for years.