Saturday, January 30, 2010

Friday Night Play-doh

On Friday night, Kristin and I had Patten's friends Henry and Aggie over while their parents, Scott and Mieka, went on a date. We had a great time. Henry brought his super-cool helicopter to play with. Patten loved the 'copter.

In addition to the 'copter, we spent the evening playing with Play-doh. All of the kids were naturals - they made Play-doh fingers, balls, crocodiles, cows, and stars.

Kristin was the Play-doh queen. She helped the kids for an hour and a half, and made sure they got good and dirty.

Finally, a shout out to Patten's aunt Becca. She loves the U. Especially more than the Y. :)


Becca said...

Well, if there were ever a way for me to love the U more than the Y, it's because my GPA at the U is a 4.0 :) Even if I am on academic probation.

Missy Johnson said...

By making sure they got good and dirty, do you mean that Kristin obsessively cleaned their hands every five minutes?

Just kidding.