Sunday, May 24, 2009

An Update

It's been a while. So, first, a quick update.

Patten is growing right up. He can say a few words, loves to kick his ball, and loves convincing people to read him books (which doesn't take that much convincing).

Kristin is pregnant. The baby is due July 30th. We are gonna try having this one without medication, we'll see how that goes. But, even if we end up using medication, preparing to have a baby without medication has been a wonderful experience. It has brought us closer together and been really enjoyable. We highly recommend it.

Dave just finished his second year of law school and is working this summer. He likes his job, especially the fact that they have free drinks. What more could you ask for?

Now, for some pictures.

Random Patten.

Can you say "Mama gave me a container of cool whip to eat!"

Patten playing the piano with Grandma. They became best friends while we lived in grandma's basement.

If he becomes a piano player we will know where his skills came from.


Barb said...

I attempted an unmedicated birth with Charlie and I agree the preparation for it is wonderful! (I ended up having an epidural, but I have high hopes for the next one!)

Becca said...

I think it's soooo awesome that you guys are gonna try and go natural. The day I came home and was like, "Ty! I want to go natural!" he was totally great about it and didn't even make fun of me. Let's see if I actually make it. :)

"Natural. Child. Birth. It's where the mother gets no medication. The father can have all he wants."

Good luck, you guys. I think you're awesome. Oh, and Patten is irresistible.

Anonymous said...

"Goin' natural" reminds me of a connection that I know before I write it will be weird [but, oh well] to when Mom asked Dr. Wetzel how much Benedryl she could give Dave when Dave was having a hard time as a baby. Dr. Wetzel said, "Don't ask me how much Benedryl you can give the baby, forget about that, what you should be asking is how much Benedryl you can take yourself."

Also, btw, when Dave was born Mom had no anesthesia. True story and not necessarily by choice.

Good luck.

Missy Johnson said...

Cute baby. I'm so glad that #2 already punches Krisy's tummy when he hears Aunt Missy/gives me bones through the womb wall.