Sorry for the recent lack of posts. Life, at times, is crazy. This is one of those times (but in a good way).
Dave started a new job at the beginning of December. We feel blessed beyond measure to have a job in this less than ideal economy. Easily the best part of the job is coming home to Kris and the boys every night (not that the job itself is not fulfilling, because it is, but there is something special about the boys jumping out of their pants every time I come home).
Upside-down-backwards-D and Special K keep Kristin busy. Special K seems older everyday and, unfortunately, has almost fully embraced the "hitting" stage. From prior experience we know this will pass. But, in the meantime, it makes things difficult.
Mr. P comes up with a lot of great questions. Like this morning.
Mr. P: "Dad, what is a PU?"
Dave: "Well, it's what we put in the potty."
Mr. P: "No, dad, what IS a PU?"
Good question.