Unfortunately, we didn't take our camera to Nate and Missy's our first night in Chicago. Trust me though, they make same killer homemade pizza. We had a great time with Reuben, Ashlyn, Nate, and Missy. Also, special thanks to Nate and Ash for taking us on a driving tour of Chitown on Thursday. That was invaluable. And I got to see the Michael Jordan statue (special bonus).
Here are Kris and I at the Billy Graham Center on the Wheaton campus. Greg took us to Wheaton our first day in Chicago. It was beautiful. We might take up preaching.

On Thursday we visited the American Girl doll store. Kristin was in heaven. I did my best to act interested.

Kristin in front of Trump Tower.

Kristin and Addie. They absolutely adored each other. Kristin did Addie's hair. Addie constantly asked Kristin to sit on the couch next to her.

Kristin in Chicago.

Chicago Tribune building.

Part of our justification for the trip was to celebrate our 5 year anniversary. We ate lunch on Friday on the 95th floor of the Hancock tower. We ordered Creme Brulee. They wrote Happy Anniversary around the outside of the plate. Very cool.

The game does not deserve mention. Notre Dame does. It was beautiful. Here are Condie and Annalisa in front of the Golden Dome.

Touchdown Jesus.

All 4 of us.

Thanks again to everyone who made the trip happen. Parents who babysat, friends who took us in, etc., etc. We had a blast.