Wednesday, March 18, 2009

It's Official

Patten's gonna have a brother.

Mom and babe are doing well. Everything is on track.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Friday, March 13, 2009

Spring Break

Here I come.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Please Help - Stop HBO

I'm not much of one for a soapbox. But sometimes we need to speak out. HBO plans to air sacred LDS temple ceremonies on its show Big Love. Regardless of your faith, please join with me by doing two things: (1) send a comment to HBO to ask them to not air the episode; and (2) write a blogpost to spread the idea to others bloggers. The LDS church considers its temple ceremonies sacred and requests they not be publicized. Such a blatant disregard for other faith's sacred worship would not be tolerated. This should not be either. Click on the following link to send a comment to HBO:

I have included the comment I sent to them below. I hope that in the next few days my blog-updater-thing shows a slew of new posts addressing this same topic. Thanks.

My comment to HBO:

"I write to voice my displeasure with your company's plan to air a Big Love television show that depicts LDS temple ceremonies.

Specifically, I find two things very upsetting: (1) the fact that the producers of the show blur the distinction between polygamists and the LDS church; and (2) the fact that your company does not have the decency to respect the LDS church's wish to not publicize its temple ceremonies.

As to my first point - the Big Love producers claim the show depicts polygamists rather than members of the LDS church. However, the show consistently imports LDS themes (such as the temple ceremony) and links them to the polygamists. Such misattributions are misleading, false, insensitive, and should not be tolerated.

As to my second point - the LDS church considers its temple ceremonies sacred and requests the ceremonies not be publicized. That alone should be reason enough for you to cancel the Big Love episode. Moreover, for the Big Love producers to consult an "ex-mormon" for inside information on the temple ceremonies unequivocally proves the Big Love producers understand the ceremony they plan to show is an LDS ceremony. Hence, if your company decides to air the ceremony you will blatantly disregard the church's request that the show not blur the line between polygamists and the LDS church.

I respectfully request you do not air any Big Love episode that depicts sacred LDS temple ceremonies."